RTA Madness (Thai)

อะตอมตัวนี้ส่งมาให้ผมจากบริษัท Bombertech นะครับ ใครสนใจสามารถหาข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมได้ทาง https://bombertech.com/product/pin… Facebook Rta Madness https://www.facebook.com/rtamadness…

Svapo's Review (Italian)

Pindad SS Driptank Review (Italian) by Svapo’s I prodotti recensiti sono offerti da Bombertech: www.bombertech.com Instagram: @bombertechnology…

Swedish Vaper (Swedish)

Firefly RDA review by the Swedish Vaper (Swedish language only) Click here to read the article…

Vapor Channel (Thai)

Vapor Channel Thailand Review This product has been sent to me for the purpose of review from BomberTech. https://bombertech…

NewbVaper (Thai)

The flavor is on top for this Pindad RDTA and so cloud. The price for this little flavor machine is…

Deuces Jack Vaping Underground

Deuces Jack at Vaping Underground shows and tells you his honest opinion about Pindad SS Driptank. Read the article…

JK Vapor (Thai)

Designed with a lock mechanism to prevent over-turning of the cap when placing it back on to the base…

Vaping Biker Driptank Review

So, this little 22mm tiny Pindad RDTA from Bomber Tech is quite simply fantastic. For around $50 the Pindad is…

MikeVapes Driptank Review

Want to purchase the Pindad Drip tank? http://www.varitube.com/PinDad-Drip-T… https://bombertech.com/ http://www.mikevapes…

DJLsb DripTank Review

BomberTech Driptank Full Review + Giveaway Buy it here: http://goo.gl/7JIACK GM Coils: http://goo.gl/Ngywmg Check out…

Firefly RDA Review

The Firefly RDA is a little corker of a squonk ready (if that floats your boat) RDA. I think it…

Bomber Tweezer 2

–Apple-Mail-77D781F6-0EEA-474B-B96E-312302F8EEEC Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit –Apple-Mail…

Bomber Tweezer

–Apple-Mail-DA88F28F-9B0C-49AD-B895-C96B19FBC0BD Content-Type: image/jpeg; name=image1.JPG; x-apple-part-url=118E5D51-CDAF…

Artwork Block 22 3D

–Apple-Mail-CA617F39-3942-4316-B17F-EE067CCE0F2F Content-Type: image/png; name=image1.PNG; x-apple-part-url=4F70CF64-3C36…

Bomber Wire

–Apple-Mail-C09C5102-7616-498A-A534-B52818272A5F Content-Type: image/jpeg; name=image1.JPG; x-apple-part-url=42810891-F220…


–Apple-Mail-B9D7389B-F23B-4813-BB73-AB1BF160DC57 Content-Type: image/jpeg; name=image1.JPG; x-apple-part-url=9A264B8D-5F6C…